Compensation Scheme 2016: final offer to be implemented

The final offer negotiated by FDA, and some other unions, will now be implemented. It was accepted by 89% of FDA members participating in our recent ballot, and will apply to all ARC members working in HMRC.

Running the heights

I resumed my foil wrapping action on Saturday and managed to wrap Shane Williams as he came over the line. I also managed to see both colleagues who were running (one of them with his brother in law who was running his 100th marathon wearing race number 100) and wrap them up too!

Stunning news – or not? Watch this space

The “stunning news” I referred to in last week’s blog in fact turned out to be less stunning when told to me by Joe. So I’m watching this space eagerly because it could be stunning or I could have been misled – but the person who told me isn’t usually misleading, so I remain confused.

News update: State pension changes

The recent changes to state pension affects everyone; because it is not HMRC-specific, neither HMRC nor ARC have made any comment on it. ARC also has to be careful to note that that any statements made on pension issues are not pension or financial advice. That disclaimer equally applies to this article.